Avoca Consulting Rooms

Booking & Referral Information

Shaun Watson has specific expertise in management of dizziness, vertigo and balance disorders and prefers to see patients of this type.  However, at this stage he runs a general neurology practice (unlike at Blacktown) and is happy to see any patient with a neurological problem.

It is preferred that patients with dizziness, vertigo and balance disorders have Vestibular Function Tests (VFT) prior to consultation.  At this time only Nerve Conduction Studies are offered at the Avoca Consulting Rooms, but VFTs can be performed by Shaun at Blacktown Neurology or in the Neurology Department at Prince of Wales Hospital (9382 2222).  

Phone: 02 80111081

Fax: 02 9326 4332

Email: admin@drshaunwatson.com.au

Consulting Hours

Wednesday: 8:30 - 12:30

Thursday: 8:30 - 5:00

Reception also open on Monday morning or Wednesday afternoon.


5/155 Avoca Street Randwick NSW


Parking available on Avoca St, Victoria Rd, George St and Alison Rd, as well as at the Royal Randwick shopping centre.

At this location: